wtorek, 5 stycznia 2016

The end is only the beginning, or how video games shouldn't have clear-cut endings.

“Oh, crap I did not see that coming at the end! When she met with him and that thing from the beginning became clear! Holy crap that was amazing!”

That’s a quote from me when I’ve finished a particularly good book which blew my mind. I screamed that internally, intensely staring at the last page of the book, hoping, even praying for some new words to magically appear.

Sadly, that was the end. The story was no more. The characters shook their hands, nodded politely to each other and went their ways.

The End.

“Yet, it's the end, Friend of mine.” Sang Sibylle Baier. The end is simultaneously a thing we love and hate. We love it because it gives us a sense of completion and we hate it because it means the story – a part of our life – has finished. We can try to revive it by starting the whole thing from the beginning, but there’s no fun when we know how things end, right?

Humankind was always obsessed with stories and particularly their endings. We always wanted and always will want to get to the very last chapter, the last episode, the last cut scene. We need things to end so that we can move on to other things and then to others and so on. How a story ends matters, because as a reader or viewer we want that moment of “oh crap I did not see that ending coming!” to happen. We crave that sense of completion.

Oh, the end is so tempting, isn’t it?

I am too, like the rest of the world, obsessed with endings. I like to finish things, not because I like them but the completing part is important. Can I sit and read for six hours just to end one book which I don’t particularly like? Hell yes, I can. I’ll read the epilogue even if it means more facepalming and headdesking.

However, video games endings are quite different.

You’re not only playing as the main character but at some level gamer becomes the main character. His worries are gamer’s worries, his adventures are gamer’s adventures. So when the ending doesn’t include the most important part of the game, the player is sure to revolt.

But should endings be clear-cut?

With games like, for example, the Witcher 3 it would be hard to not have a clear-cut ending. First of all, there are so many plots and characters that at least some of the quests had to end early and then the player’s choices would be visible on a beautiful art that accompanied major quests. But what about the “find my daughter” mission, which is the drive for Geralt and Yennefer? What about those seemingly unimportant quests like killing Radovid and reconciling Ciri with her biological father? These quests had an effect on the main ending of the game, but should they? I mean, the whole game was created out of a not clear-cut ending, in which the reader basically didn’t know what the hell has happened. Did Geralt and Yennefer survive? What happened with Cirilla? And how the hell did Andrzej Sapkowski dared to finish the saga the way he did? The Witcher – three games made by Polish developers – one of the biggest fan fiction in the world presents you with a possible, non-canon in Sapkowski’s eyes, ending.

Before I even got to the first half of the main quest, I looked the possible endings of the Witcher 3 up. Not because I really needed to satisfy my curiosity, but because I wanted to do everything just right for Ciri to survive. She was my teenage hero, as I read the books when I was 13 (NOT a good idea to be honest, but well, at least, I didn’t have nightmares), and I needed this game to end on a good note for her. Screw Geralt and his incapability to stay faithful to one woman, Ciri needs to have a happy ending! So, I watched all the endings and chose the perfect one of Ciri (and me).

Geralt and Ciri / via: thewitcher.com

After some time, when I was thinking more about how the story ended I thought “wow, wouldn’t it be so much better for the games to end on the same notes as books?” Not only games are using characters and places created by Sapkowski, they’re also using the unfinished, not clear-cut ending to continue the story. It would  be amazing for CD Project to acknowledge that they have created their own story but still establish that after all there wouldn’t be The Witcher: Wild Hunt without the books.

Wouldn’t it be so much more awesome for the game to have a similar ending as Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture had?

via: wikipedia.com

Published in 2015 by The Chinese Room, Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture is a game about seemingly normal English town. Everything is beautiful, the sun is shining, the people…well, the people are not there, as they have vanished and the player doesn’t know what happened to them. By walking around traditional English countryside, following light that transforms into human silhouettes, the player pieces together the story by listening to characters in non-linear order.
The ending is peculiar, one that has stuck in my mind for quite some time. The ending… doesn’t say anything. We still don’t know fully what happened, where the people have gone to, what was the light and were did it came from. There are no answers, only questions.

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture / via: www.stuff.tv

And this type of ending, this not clear-cut story which doesn’t present answers just more hypotheses, speaks to me on a special level. It a) provides me with different alternatives to how the story could end, b) treats me as a highly intellectual creature and c) you can’t spoil it to anybody because what is there to be spoiled?

Of course, putting not clear-cut ending after the player has spent hours and hours creating the characters, levelling them then beating the game, is risky. Some players might hate the ending and they might rant on Internet about how horrible it is. They may even pressure the developers into creating a DLC with a ‘proper’ ending that will not only add few hours of gameplay but will also neatly close loose plots. Some may say that the ending depends entirely on what kind of story developers want to create. It may be so, however, the ending is only a part of the story, not the sole purpose of creating it.

What kind of endings do you prefer? What was the most disappointing ending in a game you played? The most satisfactory one? Let me know in the comments!

9 komentarzy:

  1. I've played many many games and I almost always prefer an open ended ending. It allows me to use my imagination and speculate on an ending that is my own creation. A couple of open ended endings that were memorable for me from games I played this year were Her Story, The Beginner's Guide and Bloodborne. I have a hard time thinking of a game that had a more closed ending that I either liked or disliked because they are simply less memorable.

    1. I totally agree! Open ended endings give your mind a freedom to think about not only what might happened but also what you would like to happen at the end. I loved Dragon Age: Inquisition ending because it was quite vague and thanks to this vagueness many fan fictions were created, and I love fan fiction so so much! You can’t do the same thing with clear-cut ending.

  2. First things first: Some very interesting thoughts about endings in video games. Nice work! =)

    I have to admit that I like both kind of endings. As you said, the open ending tickles your own fantasy and your own intellect a bit more than the other one, that's a thing I absolutely love and always try to put into my own short stories. However, I have made the experience that the majority of people prefers a definite ending, and in most cases it should be a happy one. To me this is somehow satisfying as well, but in a very different way.

    In German, we always speak of 'light' and 'heavy' literature (comparing video games to literature is not that far-off, basically both are telling stories, right?). The light one is the kind of stories where you don't have to think too much. Everything is spoonfed to the reader, so is the ending. In opposition to that, heavy literature demands a certain amount of your own intelligence, your personal experience, and last but not least of your own fantasy. It's more challenging, and to some extend it can be a hard piece of work. I love that, because it broadens my mind and forces me to spend more time thinking about a particular topic.

    If you ask me about specifically disappointing and satisfactory endings in video games, I find it hard to answer. Because sometimes the disappointing ones can be satisfying at the same time. =)

    Just like you did, I looked up the different endings of "The Witcher 3" to find out which one I would like the best and which decisions would be required to achieve it. When I finally got to the point where all things cleared up and Ciri was well and alive, becoming a witcher herself, I was satisfied through and through. But afterwards, the longer I thought about it, the more disappointing it seemed to me. Maybe because all was settled now.

    My conclusion after writing down these thoughts of mine:
    Disappointment and satisfaction are no real opposites. They often overlap and are closer connected to each other than we think. At least in my very humble opinion. And maybe I'm more of a fan of open endings, just a tiny little bit. =)

    Thank you for this thought-provoking blog post, Marta! I'd love to read some more in the future. <3

    Lovely greetings,
    Cailleach Dhubh

    1. Yes, games also can be compared to 'light' or 'heavy' literature (in Polish we have a similar distinction), but in my opinion games thanks to well, being games, have a unique opportunity at narration and they should all strive to be 'better', to be this kind of 'heavy literature'. They can be entertaining but at the same time games can also mean something or make players think.

      Thanks for the comment Cailleach I really appreciate it!

  3. Hmm, well written piece.

    I think there is room for both kinds of endings. Some games, some stories, can really be completed with a closed ending. It gives the creator the power to tell the story completely as he or she immagined/created it.

    And in some cases its just needed to know your beloved character survived and "lived happely ever after".

    An open end however sometimes helps keeping the game in the mind of the audience for longer. "What does it mean" "what's going to happen" it allows the player to use their own imagination to puzzle the story together and creates some sort of mystery.

    But also looking to the side of a developer: an open ending might eventualy bring in more money (if done well that is). I think that many ppl are happier with a closed ending, but with an open ending.. there is the possibility for DLC, sequels. Also, if this can be done in a somewhat short timespan, the audience will still be talking about the game, trying to figure out what happened, making the core audience hype it up more.
    A bit of this is being applied to the eposidic tell talish games, they manage to keep bringing people back becuase they are drawn in because of the open endings (more cliffhangers in this case) between episodes.

    1. Vinnie here btw, for some reason it doesnt add my name

    2. Yeah, Dragon Age: Inquisition had a 'proper' ending and it was still too little for the fans, so they did a final DLC with a proper ending. I was cool because it established what was canon and what was not, but on the other hand I could still imagine what happened with my Inquisitor, and now I had a given canon (she ends up with Cullen, married and with a dog), so I kind of couldn't imagine anymore.

      I thinks with Talltale game there's a difference because each episode can be treated as a chapter and not a full game. So after each chapter the player has to get another one bc of the cliff-hanger.

      Thank you for the comment, Vinnie, I really appreciate it! :)

  4. Hi
    Interesting thoughts quite original thinking.
    My preference is a proper ending explained by the writer or the game creators. Open ends are ok when there is a definite sequel so that at sometime I will get closure.
    I think you can add films to this theme I have had good films ruined by an ending that is open to my imagination. I don`t want that I want closure.
    I have a really good imagination but I want the writer to tell me the end so I know what they think.
    Have I mentioned it yet I require closure.

    1. Oh yeah, I had films and tv series also ruined by ending, but not because it was an open ending but because it was a clear-cut ending and what I had imagined was not exactly the same thing the writer had done with the ending.

      Out of curiosity, why do you need to know what the writer thinks? I mean, he/she told the story and through the story the writer told you their feelings. But I understand that you need a proper closure, I sure had the same feeling with many games and books and movies.
      Thank you for the comment! :)
